Network Foundation Guide
Connecting Business Initiative

By understanding the existing of efforts of in-country stakeholders involved in DRM, private sector networks will be better able to assess gaps in private sector engagement and the potential for a network to add value. This chapter will guide you through a process to landscape existing private sector DRM efforts in your country through desk research and consultation. Through this landscaping process, networks will be able to identify specific needs, map them against existing efforts, and pinpoint gaps that still exist. Networks may also choose to use these resources to periodically update their landscape map as private sector engagement efforts in your country evolve.
Note that completing the process described in this chapter relies on meeting with and gathering input from a variety of stakeholders to map their key activities, areas of expertise, and needs. This can take time and multiple iterations to complete and to keep up-to-date. It should be considered an important ongoing part of the due diligence that should be completed before launching a network. This landscaping should also be kept up-to-date as new information arises and as new actors come on the scene, to avoid having to conduct a major comprehensive refresh more frequently.
The resources in this chapter will help answer the following questions
4. What key government agencies are involved in DRM in my country and what is their current engagement with the private sector?
The specific government agencies engaged in DRM will differ by country, but it is critical that emerging private sector networks develop working relationships with the relevant government ministries or agencies in order to coordinate with national planning and response efforts.
To develop relationships with key government counterparts we recommend leveraging CBi and their UN partners in country, such as OCHA and the UNDP, to help direct and introduce you to the key relevant actors in government.
As a starting point, in most countries the key actors will include a combination of:
A national disaster management/response body (for example, the National Disaster Management Office, National Disaster Management Authority, National Disaster Council or equivalent)
Examples of ministries involved in sector-specific response (Ministry of Disaster Management, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Climate Change, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Finance, Prime Minister's / President's Office)
During your consultation with identified government bodies, be sure to determine:
Their role in DRM activities in the country
Their current activities with the private sector (examples: convening events associated with private sector engagement, funding activities related to SMEs or business resilience, setting standards for procurement or private-sector donations during disasters, etc.)
Who their private sector partners are
Who their UN/NGO partners are
What they think the core needs are from the private sector in DRM activities
What national discussions they are currently conducting or engaged in on topics related to resilience, disaster risk reduction, preparedness, response and recovery
What challenges they have experienced in past or current engagements with DRM, and any gaps that they have identified that a private sector network could address
Member Network Example: The private sector network in Sri Lanka emerged out of disaster resilience work done by the Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management Sri Lanka (APADM), as well as relationships developed with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, UNDP, UN OCHA, and representatives of the Government of Sri Lanka.
Link to downloadable Landscaping Interview Guides for each key stakeholder type