Network Foundation Guide
Connecting Business Initiative

Private sector networks worldwide conduct a wide variety of activities and programs for disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. These activities are of varying importance in different contexts. However, there are a set of core activities we recommend all networks consider at the beginning of creating a network to ensure early success. Networks should continue to update and refine these activities on an ongoing basis to maintain their success.
Constructing the network's work plans and National Action Plans, gaining inclusion in key coordination bodies, and prioritizing needs correctly are all critical to cement your future activities.
The resources in this chapter will help you answer the following questions
How do I prioritize the needs I identified in Step 2 into a set of initial programmatic priorities?
How do I construct a first-year work plan for the network and how do I measure success?
Considering the key needs in your context and your capacity, answer the following:​