Network Foundation Guide
Connecting Business Initiative

A grounding in the humanitarian sector, the Connecting Business initiative, and the value of collective private sector action around DRM are all important to ensure private sector networks and other actors are building toward a common vision. This chapter will provide an overview of these topics, as well as available external resources.
The resources in this chapter help answer the following questions:
What are the 'humanitarian principles' and why are they important?
What is the basic humanitarian architecture and who are the key actors?
What are the requirements and types of support provided to networks by CBi?
6. What are the requirements and types of support provided to networks by CBi?
Member networks of the Connecting Business Initiative are those which:
Have agreed to work plans, and are implementing them with the support of CBi
Have previously received support from CBi
Member networks will be:
Invited to the annual Connecting Business Partners meeting
Profiled on the Connecting Business Global Portal and will be responsible for maintaining current information on the portal
A representative member network will be appointed to the Connecting Business Initiative's Executive Committee for a yearly rotating term.
Potential member networks are required to communicate their intention to:
Implement an agreed to work plan
Work towards the overarching aims of the Connecting Business Initiative
The Connecting Business initiative will conduct a due diligence on the host of the network and, if required, on its current chair / governing bodies prior to confirming the network's status as a member network.
The due diligence process for a CBi Member Network host organization follows UNDP’s Policy on Due Diligence and Partnerships with the Private Sector ( According to the policy, the host organization must not
Engage in the manufacture, sale, or distribution of controversial weapons or their components, including cluster bombs, anti-personnel mines, biological or chemical weapons, or nuclear weapons
Engage as a significant part of the business in the manufacture, sale or distribution of armaments and/or weapons or their components, including military supplies and equipment (>5% of revenue) or replica weapons to children (can be <10% of revenue)
Engage as a significant part of the business in the manufacture, sale or distribution of tobacco or tobacco products (distributors can have <5% of revenue)
Violate UN sanctions and relevant conventions, treaties, and resolutions, or be included in UN ineligibility lists
Engage in the manufacture, sale and distribution of pornography
Engage in the manufacture, sale or distribution of substances subject to international bans or phase-outs, or wildlife or products regulated under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Engage as a significant part of the business in gambling including casinos, betting etc. (excluding lotteries with charitable objectives) (can be <20% of revenue)
Violate human rights or be complicit in human rights violations
Use or tolerate forced or compulsory labor
Use or tolerate child labor
While the policy does not strictly apply to companies participating in the member networks, networks are required to have procedures in place governing the admission of members to the network, to ensure that members' operations and principles are consistent with CBi's and with the humanitarian principles more broadly.
The Connecting Business initiative has a system for determining the level of support provided. The initiative prioritizes support to demand-driven private sector led networks.
The criteria is applied to ensure that targeted countries and areas have in place the baseline requirements needed to successfully build and operate private sector-led networks. To determine a network's level of support:
Baseline requirements
The expressed interest of the private sector and private sector representative organizations to engage in disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness, response and recovery, as demonstrated by prior participation in activities, contributions to emergencies and the results of initial consultations
The existence and capacity of a likely host organization for the private sector network
The existence of identified leaders from the private sector to drive the creation and operation of the network
The activities already undertaken by representatives of the private sector and private sector organizations to mobilize support for Connecting Business or similar program at the national and / or regional level
The capacity and strength of relevant Government, UN and NGO programs and existing coordination mechanisms
Risk vulnerability criteria
The assessed risk level in that location of natural and man-made disasters and health pandemics. This assessment is based on the INFORM database, internal assessments undertaken by OCHA, UNDP, UNISDR and other partners of Connecting Business, and assessments conducted by inter-agency, inter-governmental and independent programs
The existing level of private sector engagement in disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness, response and recovery and the level of participation of private sector in existing coordination mechanisms at the national and regional levels
For additional information on the Connecting Business Initiative, please visit our website:
To access the INFORM index discussed: