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After establishing that a private sector network has opportunities to create value and fill unmet needs in your country, there are two next steps: establishing the network itself and determining what its initial activities should be. This chapter focuses on establishing the network model, including considerations like hosting arrangements, legal requirements, and initial funding.  While there is no one best model for all networks, there is a standard set of questions to address and the experience of other networks can be informative. The questions in this chapter will help set up a private sector network for success, ensuring it has the required structure and support for long-term sustainability and scale. This chapter and its associated resources can also be used to support the ongoing work of your network as it grows and evolves.


The resources in this chapter will help you answer the following questions:

  1. What are the mission and objectives of the network?

  2. What kind of initial organizational bodies can help launch my network?

  3. What are the key considerations to determine an appropriate hosting arrangement?

  4. What role can key private sector actors play in championing a network?

  5. What formal organizational structures should my network include?

  6. How do I formalize a governance structure and what are the key success factors and components?

  7. What are the different ways networks generate funding to support their activities?

  8. What partnerships should a private sector network form?

  9. How do I grow my membership base?

  10. How do I organize my membership base?

2. What kind of initial organizational bodies can help launch a network?

Developing an initial organizational structure provides a mechanism to bring together early stakeholders to establish a private sector network, in preparation for its formal launch. These structures can help networks make progress on building the network's foundation by providing clear points of entry for interested members to form an initial working group while a formal organizational structure and governance are determined. 


Most networks begin with an initial working group, a small handful of key companies or organizations who are aligned with the mission of the network and who are committed to supporting the network's initial activities, whether through financial support, in-kind donations or advisory support, or a mix of the three. Participants of this initial working group are likely to include representatives of lead companies or company foundations who are active in the country and interested in participating, representatives from key government or UN bodies actively supporting private sector engagement, and any NGOs or local organizations with expertise on disaster risk management.




The roles of an Initial working group typically include:

  •       Drive the establishment of the network

  •       Provide input into the network's proposal to become a CBi member

  •       Provide input on the network's annual activities, work plan, and budget

  •       Assist with defining the network's membership policies and targets while engaging new companies to join the network

  •       Provide input to define a formal governance structure for the network, including leadership roles such as a Chair/Co-Chair

  •       Grow membership and build relationships with other key stakeholders (government, UN, NGOs, and civil society)

  •       Assist with mobilizing resources to ensure the sustainability of network activities

  •       Support the implementation of initial activities in line with the work plan




A sample Terms of Reference for a working group (HPPG Nigeria)

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